Thursday, January 5, 2012

Pretend or Profound

This blog brings back memories. When ever I did not know what to do I would pretend, has that become profound?

LaLoni started this blog. She gave me another email address so similar to one I had just started. That makes it 4 gmail addresses for me now. I can add another to the list to enter the HGTV dream home (8). What a hoot.

She gave me my password: getthestick  Does that ring a bell? Or tweak the fear level in your hearts or just cause a great big guffaw? I still have "the stick" or at least I thought I did. I just checked and it has disappeared. One of those moments of sorting out must have caused its demise.

We had so much fun together, I hated school to start. I looked forward to being together and having our great times until you got older and the homework got above my ability to help. Thankfully we had David in English and math and Cindy in math to help us out. I can remember AnnLoureen would have me read to her while she did her other homework. She didn't read as fast as she wanted but she could multi-task. That was when we were on Top of the World. In Payson, I remember when I was sick, she would come home all excited to show her school work and there I was on the couch. The reason I know? I would find her work on my chest when I woke up.

Persistence under adversity was the motto of our family then and now. You all are persistent and have met and kept your goals. What a joy it is to see you all with your talents and gifts so well developed and shared with so many.

I remember when you were little in our first Payson home, when you all were out playing in the living room. I felt like there out for all to see where all my faults. Children mimic what they see. I was seeing all that from each of you. It was a real teaching moment for me. It was discouraging while it was inspiring. I found a great quote about that to the effect that children are a mirror of us and wood burned it into a small plague to remind me.

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